Building Accessibility Into Your Organization
Tuesday, October 29, 2024Â |Â 8:45 AM - 12 PM
North Texas Nonprofit Institute, Arlington
Clients with disabilities face challenges when accessing nonprofit services. What barriers can your agency eliminate when working with clients who have hearing, vision, mobility, or mental health needs? Presenters from the Deaf Action Center, Lighthouse for the Blind, REACH, and Metrocare Services share resources on how your organization can make your programs and materials more accessible. 3 hours of Social Work Cultural Competency CEUs will be offered.
Heather Hughes, Executive Director
Salerno R., Program & Scheduling Manager
Budgeting for Success: The cost and impact of providing communication access for the deaf and hard of hearingÂ
Participants will have an opportunity to learn how to do the following: 1. Analyze, develop, and utilize cost based projections using their own historical data to budget for communication access to deaf and hard of hearing consumers that come in to utilize their services 2. Use their budget reports to identify and leverage potentially unused funds from current programs and allocate them as new item lines to cover accommodation expenses 3. How to redistribute unused accommodation funds as well as utilize the new data from providing communication access to identify potential grant opportunities.
Download presentationCreating an environment of accessibility for your clients beyond physical space
Accessibility is about more than just physical space, it's about the whole environment. In this session we will discuss ways to create a more accessible culture: from hiring, job descriptions, and work locations, to accessible events, marketing, and communications.
Download presentationLea Rowe, Head of Client ServicesÂ
Enhancing daily life for individuals with vision loss
Vision loss can vary widely from mild impairment to complete blindness and each individual’s experience is unique. This presentation will provide understanding on the diverse range of vision loss, support service available, and practical accommodations that can significantly enhance daily living for those affected.
Download presentation
More North Texas Resources
Goodwill Dallas:
- Money Management
- Communication skills
- Personal Health & Wellness
- Digital Literacy
- Art Appreciation
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Tarrant County:
Case Management Resources
Aging & Disability Resource Center of Tarrant County 855-937-2372
My Health My Resources - MHMRTC 1-800-866-2465
Mental/Behavioral Health (24 hour ICARE Line) 817-335-3022
Area Agency on Aging of Tarrant County 817-258-8125
Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) 1-888-337-6377
Department of Family & Protective Service 800-252-5400
Mental Health Association 817-335-5405
Texas Veterans Network 888-737-3112
Reach Resource Center on Independent Living 817-870-9082
2-1-1 Texas 211 or 877-541-7905
Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County 817-336-0912
Tarrant Area Food Bank 817-857-7100
SNAP (Department of Health and Human Services) 817-321-8000
Transportation Catholic Charities 817-336-8714
Trinity Metro/Access 817-215-8600
Medicare Area Agency on Aging 817-258-8125
Rental Assistance
Tarrant County Human Services 817-531-5620
Utility Assistance
Catholic Charities 817-534-0814 Tarrant County Human Services 817-531-5620
Community Action Partners 817-392-2276 (